Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Dependency thoery

1) What do YOU primarily use the media for: entertainment or information? (Or something else?)

I use the media for all kinds of things such as looking up information for revision or homework, entertainment or just general information. I also use it to catch up with the latest celebrity gossip as well as catching up on the news.

2) To what extent do you feel we are dependent on the media?

In my opinion, I think we are very dependent on the media. This is due to the fact that we use it for almost everything. Like in the question above, I have mentioned that i used it for revision, general information and catching up on the news. This can relate to nearly everyone as they would probably use it for the same reasons. However, if there was no such thing as the media, we wouldn't be able to do lot of things such as the things written above. We wouldn't know what's happening around the world - our perspective of things would change, we wouldn't be influenced by the media. for example celebrity's with perfect bodies - we wouldn't be influenced to have that body and man more.

3) Has our dependence on the media changed over the last 10 years? How?

I think that our dependency on the media has changed dramatically. This is because 10 years ago, people used books instead of the media to find out information around the world or for revision. People also used magazines to catch up with the latest celebrity gossip.

4) Read this Telegraph article – does this support Dependency theory? What is your personal opinion on this issue? 

Two-step flow model

 Summarise the two-step flow model. 

The two-step flow model was developed in 1940 because the hyodermic needle was considered too simplistic assuming the audience consumed media without thinking. This model instead suggests that the audience are influenced by 'opinion leaders' in the media who meditate how the audience react to media texts. The model says that the media is not powerful and social factors are important.

2) In your opinion, is the two-step flow theory still relevant today?

In my opinion, i think it does not exist today because the media is very powerful and can influence the audience to do things.

3) How does this YouTube blogger fit into the two-step flow model?

The youtube blogger fits into the two-step flow theory model because it shows the audiences a variety of videos that consist of violent games. This can influence an audience to become violent i n the real world as if they feel annoyed or irritated they could hurt someone they way characters fight eachother within the games shown on his youtube channel.

4) How this this Telegraph article on influential tweeters fit the two-step flow model?

The Telegraph article on influential tweeters fit the two-step flow model because it shows that a famous boy and is seen with their arms around the Prime minister which can influence people to do the same.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Shot list

Shot number
Shot description

Cut in of close-up shot of couple in frame in bedroom whilst she sleeps, gradual focus in and out

Still shot of clockticking 3 ticks

Pan of room quiet and peaceful

Extreme close-up shot of phone alarm going off

(p.o.v) Medium shot of girl in bed sitting up

(p.o.v) shot of girl looking at two robes hanging on the door, his and hers

(p.o.v) medium shot of girl smiling in bed and gets up

Close up shot on ground level of waking up and putting slippers on and walking off past empty slippers on other end


Steadicam track with protagonist walking across corridor and down the stairs into kitchen

Pan of protagonist walking in to kitchen going straight to fridge with empty table in shot

Straight cut to opening fridge medium shot pulling out milk, shot from inside fridge (open/close door)

Close up already shot of milk being placed onto counter

Extreme close-up of tapping on counters focus in and out to phone lighting up on isle

Medium shot of protagonist walking up to window and grabbing spoon

Shot from cupboard of picking up cereal bowl

Close-up shot of phone lighting up again, in focus with protagonist in shot in back getting bowl and places on counter closing the door, plus getting up to get cereal now

Cupboard opens and shot from inside, cereal is taken out, cupboard closes

close-up pan shot of cereal being put in

close-up tilt down of milk being poured in

close-up of spoon being put into bowl

Close-up shot of picking up an apple

Steady tracking medium shot of protagonist picking up bowl and taking it over to the island where she sits down

Tracking medium shot
(right to left)
(left to right)

*SRS*/ MOA* Pro speaking to imaginary*

(right to left)
(left to right)

*SRS/MOA* Pro speaking to imaginary who is now in shot*

(right to left)
*SRS/MOA* Imaginary speaking to pro

(left to mid-way) *doorbell*

Long shot of view from lounge of both looking at door

p.o.v/ o.t.s of protagonist looking into lounge towards door

Long shot of view from lounge of both looking at door, with only protagonist in shot

Close up of Phone lights up, focus out on protagonist then back in on phone “therapist- I’m outside, open the door” and door bell rings again

Cut out to black and a scream


Shrin asleep in her bedroom and then wakes up to make her way towards the stairs.
Walks across the corridor and down the stairs, towards the kitchen
Pulls out milk from the fridge, cereal & bowl from the cupboard, phone is lighting up in the back however she is oblivious to it, unintentionally
Eats her breakfast casually, literally in her own world, starts conversation with imaginary person not in shot
Traccking shot
(Left- right)Protagonist:
(midway-right-left, as hand appears in shot)Protagonist:
‘uh uh no no, *tap hand* gotta get your own!’

(pause at protagonist) Imaginary:
‘ah no don’t be like that, come on Ash, I’m starving’
*SRS*- O.T.S pro looking at no-one
(left-right) Protagonist:
‘*giggles* you’re so lazy! They’re right there!’


(nobody in seat, right-left)Protagonist:
‘*scoffs* I’m lazy!?  No no no no, what!? ______ I wake up every morning to cook and clean and-and you? You never help, you’re good as dead sometimes… Sorry _____, I’m just so —‘
*SRS*- O.T.S Pro speaking to imaginary person now visible in shot*

(right-left)Imaginary now in shot:
‘Look how about… how about we check out that new place round the block for—‘
^(left-right midway) *door bell* pause, si

Monday, 10 November 2014

Match on action, 180 degree rule, shot/reverse/shot

Match on action:

This is an editing technique where the editor takes one shot and cuts it to another shot showing the same action for the subject in the first shot.

180 degree rule:

This is another editing technique where the camera is kept on one side of the action.  It keeps the charcaters on a particular side of the screen and keeps them looking at one another.


This is also another editing technique where one character is shown looking at another character and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character.

Monday, 3 November 2014

physchographics: stugglers

Alienated, Struggler, disorganised - with few resources apart from physical/mechanical skills (e.g. car repair). Heavy consumers of alcohol, junk food and lotteries, also trainers. Bra

Who you are working with:

The psychographic group you are researching:

Introduce your example couple that represents your group:
We came up with the idea of using a married couple and their baby who are both having financial problems.

Make up their names:
Jen and Jay

Where do they work/study?
Jen finished high school with four GCSE's whereas Jay finished with only two. They are both currently working in a supermarket. Jen: Tescos and Jay: Asda. Jay is working full time and Jen part time.
However, due to this problem of working long shifts, they have to get a babysitter for their baby which gets costly overtime.

What do they do in their spare time?
In their spare time they look after their baby Tanisha and smoke. They also drink and party with their friends, otherwise are getting arrested for indecent and illegal activities involving money and drugs.